I've wrestled with this decision to start a public blog for a long time. In this era of multiple social networks, where everyone has an opinion they want to share, I seldom make my thoughts or opinions public. Other than being extremely busy lately (with work and side projects), the reason for not contributing to the Internet's echo-chambers as much is because I simply felt my opinions or experiences would get drowned out by the constant, higher-quality noise that is already generated on the Internet (such an underachiever, am I not?).
Despite my self-deprecating attitude on the matter, I have decided to trudge on and create a space for thought-preservation, in a place where thought is hardly a scarce commodity.
Why the change of mind?
Prior to this, I had maintained private journals for myself. I wrote into notebooks and used mobile apps for journaling. I used Evernote and Google Keep to track down my discoveries in my projects. I opined on world-issues with close friends, and maintained a private log of things I must do with my time here.However, I decided to share my thoughts and discoveries in hopes that it either helps someone or gives a different point of view to a particular issue.
So you, dear Internet, are stuck with me. My thoughts, forever etched into the the eternal memory of the interweb, will prevail until the collapse of our central star, the heat death of the universe or until Google closes up this website (whichever comes first). However, I would encourage you to take solace in these promises I make to you:
- This is a personal blog; I write for myself first. Due to this, the topic of the blog may stray from time to time, but I will focus, mostly, on technology. Not technology in the broad-sense (this is not a tech news site), but my personal musings on technology, software and programming.
- I will attempt to put up content regularly, but my more controversial or unnecessary opinions will remain in the confines of my personal journals
- I may make mistakes on some topics, but rest assured that, at the time of writing, my intentions were mostly good and I must have believed that I was being pretty smart.
- I cannot promise that there will be no curse-words, but I will attempt to keep it to a minimum.
If you are reaching this place as a soon-to-be dedicated visitor or you are a straggler who arrived here from a Google search, I hope the posts contained within provide some form of value to you as they do to me.
Again, welcome to my own corner of the internet.